Amara Berri has integrated in its methodological system the Educational Trilingual Framework that the Education Departmanet launched in 2010, Amara Berri joined the project during its second school year.
As the teachers, Susana Fernández and Karmele Mendia, explained to us, at the beginning of the project there were doubts and fears and organizational challenges that the English Departament within the school and with the help of the rest of the educational community faced.
The challenges were answered and we could say that with a high degree of success.
They teach Science in English in the second cycle of Primary and they integrate Science content in the English classroom in the third cycle.
The learners work and learn about the Human Body, the European Union, different countries of the world, the Solar System, vertebrate animals, inventors and inventions...
Students produce different kinds of texts that are presented to the rest of the class and the broadcasted or published in the school magazine, and the school' s radio and TV and they also keep a class blog.
Susana and Karmele during the presentation |
The whole group that attended the session |
We want to thank the presenters and Amara Berri for the great session and also the attendants , English teachers from Intxaurrondo Hegoa Ikastetxea, Ikasbide Ikastola, Ibai Ikastola, Ordiziako Urdaneta Eskola eta Donostiako Jesuitak .
Keep up the good work!!
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