An interactive map of the research process for students. The map walks students through the research process from start to finish with every step along the way. One of the things about this map that school librarians will like is that it is not focused solely on web research. How To Do Research includes a good section about using library catalogs, books, and magazines.
Students learn how to recognize the validity of information on the Internet. It's a good tutorial except for a strong emphasis on using domain names for determining validity.
David Barba matematikoak egina. Matematikarako baliabideak.
This tutorial walks students through the process of forming a research question through the actual research steps.
This tutorial shows students how search engines function. The tutorial gives clear examples and directions for altering search terms
Txoritxoak - YouTubeko kanala. Bideoak matematikako edukiak azaltzeko
Posted from Diigo. The rest of Eskola2.0_BG group favorite links are here.
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