2016(e)ko azaroaren 4(a)

Conference: Promoting diversity for European Languages

CONFERENCE:  Promoting diversity for European Languages

Brusela Irailaren 26-27 


Lesser Used Languages (LUL) are the special focus of the LangOER project. In the context of LangOER, the definition of LUL encompasses endangered languages, regional and minority languages (approximately 10% of Europe’s population) and small state languages. Open Educational Resources hold out the promise of supporting the teaching and learning of these languages in Europe and consequently inclusion and quality education for all. Enabling LUL communities to actively take up OERs can generate a number of welcome transformations that include “the change of mind set towards teaching and learning methodology; new channels to obtain education; and opportunities for knowledge sharing.”
However, even as the number of policy proposals to support OER uptake have grown and the benefits are more widely recognized, thus far there have been only sporadic efforts to explicitly address the opportunities and challenges of OER policies aimed at European LUL communities.
Against this background, LangOER conference participants will debate a draft of policy recommendations on how different stakeholders could take concrete actions that enable LUL communities to actively develop, exchange and take up OERs.

Inglesez esanda bezala, Jardunaldi hauek  Europako hizkuntza minoritarioak ,  bere presentzia hezkuntzan eta nola lagundu duten egoerari batez ere material eta baliabide irekien bidez (OER: Open Online Resources) izan zuten gaitzat. Fryske Akademy ren (Frisiera hizkuntzaren inguruan aritzen den erakundea Holandan) eskuz etorri zitzaidan gonbitea Jardunaldietara joateko gure egoerari buruz hitzegiteko.  Nere proposamena izan zen gure hezkuntza sistemaren bilakarera azken 40 urteetan azaltzea : elebakartasunetik eleaniztasunerantz egindako bidea euskara sustatuz.

Jardunaldi hau Erasmus + ekiemen europearren barruan kokatzen da eta azken helburua Europako Batzordeari eta gobernu erakundei aholku batzuk helaraztean datza. Hauek dira landu ziren gomendioak zirriborro gisa:

Draft policy recommendations
The European Commission should

  • Revitalise the commitment to OER that it expressed in Opening Up Education, with a particular focus on OER in LUL as a means of maintaining cultural and linguistic diversity.
  • Organise pan-European peer learning opportunities for governmental decision makers on the recommendations.
  • Organise calls for proposals with action lines addressing specific issues highlighted in the recommendations including research that provides evidence on OER impact and benefits.
  • Facilitate support and knowledge sharing for cross-country and global initiatives.
  • Have dialogue with quality assurance agencies (ENQA etc.) on OER, their role and responsibility related to OER.
  • Support R&D on translation from English and other world languages to LUL.

Institutions should

Governments/governance structures in nations and regions should:
  • Develop and implement a strategy for OER, in particular addressing quality OER for grades, degrees and diplomas.
  • Facilitate teacher and support staff training in the creation, adaptation and use of OERs.
  • Implement quality standards for sustaining OER.
  • Collaborate with other institutions and stakeholder in stimulating community of practices for OER.

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